Ucayali 2020 (2022-09-15)

985g of beans (956g after roasting).

Roasting profile: 11.75 / 3.6 / 6 @ 256°F

Started P2. Set to P4 at 5min. P3 @ 7:40. P4 @ 10min. P3 @ 10:30min. C @ 15:20min. 255 @ 21:15

212° @ 11:45

232° @ 15:20

256° @ 21:15

Starting to get bits of chocolate notes at 7 min. Brownie smells at 12:30. Slightly burnt smelling?

Nibs: 847g (86%)

75% = 282g sugar  

1024g chocolate liquor 

9 full bars (3 plain, 3 sea salt, 6 half bars)

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