About Me

Hi, I’m Aaron! I started making my own chocolate in 2017 thanks to a friendship with Eric Wolfinger, one of the worlds best food photographers. The company I worked for at the time, SmugMug, was doing a documentary on him and we followed him around as he worked on the Dandelion cookbook, Making Chocolate.

A chef and traveler by trade, Eric had bought all the equipment to make chocolate at home, until he realized he had no where to store it in his San Francisco home. A coworker and I decided to “borrow” the chocolate grinder and my chocolate hobby was born. Although Eric has since taken his equipment back, I’ve now bought my own — and my equipment has grown.

I typically make 70-75% dark chocolate bars using 2 ingredients: cacao nibs and sugar. I love adding sea salt, nuts and dried fruit to the bars at the end for a little variety as well.