Bejofo Estate, 2019 (2023-12-23)

950g of beans

924g of nibs + husk

Started at P1, set to P5 @ 5 min (too high. Leave at P1 next time). Set to P4 @ 7:30. Set to P3/P4 for 30 sec each at 12 min. Set to P3 @ 13:30. Set to P2 @ 17:45 (bad idea. Too slow). Back to P3 @ 20 to finish.

212°F @ 11:35, 232°F @ 13:45, 255°F @ 20:50

Roasting Profile: 11.6 / 2.2 / 7.1 @ 255°

1,074g of nibs

75% = 358g sugar

1057g of liquid chocolate

9 full bars (3 full bars + 12 half bars… 1 plain, 2 sea-salt, 12 half plain)

High fruit. Get bright citrus first. 

I get some nutty in the aftertaste. Not a bitter nut. Maybe hazelnut?

Lower brownie than Ecuador

Zing. Orange peel. 

Lower floral. More fruit. 

Sammi’s got cherry notes. 

2.5 astringent 

3 sweet

Low earthy 

Box Cover: